Thursday, February 27, 2020

'The Invisible Man' Shows Elisabeth Moss's Most Cutthroat Performance

What you can't see can't hurt you. Or does it?

Photo Credit: United International Pictures
Elisabeth Moss's character Cecilia, in this Universal Horror movie remake proves that wrong, as she gets out from a controlling and abusive relationship with a millionaire scientist who's both insanely intelligent and arguably insane. So when her ex replicates a thing or two from what seems like an entry from Amy Dunne's diary in Gone Girl, Cecilia suspects that it's only a vengeful plan to trap her back in their hypermodern house where every move is being watched by computers and CCTVs.

In its two-hour entirety, the film doesn't waste any second. From the get go, we see Cecilia maneuvering her way out of their house and as soon as she got out successfully, the intensity of the film just grows even bigger. There are no ghosts in this film and yet there are sequences that would give you eerie vibes. Director Leigh Whannell knows how to use his cinematographer's lenses and utilizes creepy silence to create a sinister feel surrounding Cecilia's life.

Thankfully, our protagonist knows her ex so well so she never makes any idiotic decisions that make the audience's viewing experience miserable. Unfortunately, it's different for her friends and family who despite being supportive of her, even when her claims about her ex seems impossible, her invisible ex is always one step ahead in making her look crazy and bad to the people around her.

So as much as the invisibility is scary, what's even more frightening is what a bitter ex could do to win a nasty breakup. The technical aspect of The Invisible Man is probably its weakest. The invisibility doesn't always look believable. Then again, Whanell makes up for it by establishing suspense in Cecilia's life--whether it's with her family, her friends, or with her ex.

In the end, it's going to astound because of Elisabeth Moss. The caliber of her acting here is nothing we've seen before. She's always been given this kind of faux-crazy material anyway. But she rises again in the the film's last act where she gave a cutthroat performance that will put her in the same league of epic femme fatales in film. She turns the stress around just by being good, both her character and her as an actress.

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