Wednesday, March 6, 2019

'Captain Marvel' is One Likable Superhero Origin Movie

Captain Marvel is one of the most pleasant and solidly likable superhero origin movie Marvel has ever done, that even in its glorious fight scenes in space with a glowing Carol Danvers ala Son Goku, it's in its simplest human moments that glows the brightest. It doesn't ooze with Marvel's usual ultramasculine humor and that's a breath of fresh air. I suppose it's a no-brainer since this is their first woman-centered superhero movie and it's directed by a woman, and led by a woman.

Marvel Studios

Brie Larson, although a bit vanilla at first, eventually owned the role in the third act. Like Carol Danvers searching for her past, both lacked distinct identity in the beginning but turned it out as soon as they found their footing. Her partner-in-crime which is Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury helps a lot in exuding the fun side of both Carol Danvers and Larson. They are quite diverting to watch and their contrasting humor makes a great chemistry that one would root for throughout the film.

It's fair to say that this is also a Nick Fury origin movie (if they won't make one) as this is Jackson's largest role and screen-time to date in MCU. Taking place 20 years ago from where we usually see Fury, he's still at the very beginning of his career as a government agent who's trying to prove his worth. Thank goodness, he encountered Carol Danvers who both served as trouble for him at first, but ultimately becomes a mutual key and friend to each other's purpose. With his help in figuring out Carol's identity, they meet Maria Rambeau played by Lashana Lynch, who's been Carol's best friend since their Air Force days as test pilots. Their scenes together are a bit cliche but both brings out the best in each other putting Larson's acting chops and Academy Award trophy to test.

Marvel Studios
At this point in MCU, I'd rather watch their trio than a repetitive movie with Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. They're definitely the best aspect of the movie, besides the great 90s soundtrack, in a sea of alien races, heroes, and villains. Annette Bening and Jude Law are also a refreshing inclusions to the universe. Law as the Kree Starforce Commander who took Carol Danvers under his wing to be the very best version of herself represents everything this film is NOT about, while Annette Bening whose character is so enigmatic delivers a mysterious aspect in the film.

As abovementioned, Captain Marvel radiates when it's more about humans and not about space and aliens. The alien races Krees' and Skrulls' appearances look uninspiring and as if they're straight from an 80's alien TV series with cheap prosthetic and costumes. If not for Gemma Chan's existence, they're nothing. Except that she's outshined by the alien cat who's notoriously badass in the comics and apparently a game changer in the film and Nick Fury's life. It doesn't have any speaking lines (thank God!) but it has a few surprising gooperies.

It's obvious that MCU is moving forward with 'Captain Marvel' as their new leader, and as much as I enjoyed Brie Larson's take, I'm afraid she's not as commanding as what the loyalists are used to with their superheroes. But even though there's still a lot to improve on, this brims a lot of hope for the future.

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